The Garden is a clown, physical, visual and object performance, interacting with the public, working on and for the location, using the specific possibilities and qualities of each space. The performance is aware and taking advantage of the nature in the location. Using the lights and music is creating the other dimension of the daily watched location.
3 clowns:( 2 children and their servant) are appearing on the street, messing around, playing with the passers by, making people laugh from their existence. They appear from another reality and so it is! They are passing by the city on the way to their destination.
From the middle of the noisy crowd they are discovering the garden – beautiful space with the white trees and the water...
Curious, they enter the location and things start to happen.
The Garden is full of the stories that awake imaginations and takes them into journeys through different stages... They become like children discovering the world, beings entering the new land full of the mystery of the unknown...
The trees begin to speak to them and go on fire, the sun appears to rise, the mystery invites them with clouds of smoke to go down...
When the curtain closes and the performers bow it all appears to be a show of 3 clowns...
performers direction and realization:
Basia Pradzynska (Poland)
Spyridon Peterakis (Greece)
Adam Read (Australia)
Costume Design:
Olga Dumova (Russia)
Sound Design:
Adam Read
Light Design:
Spyridon Paterakis
Site: www.thegardenproject.eu
e-mail: info@thegardenproject.eu
phone Germany: 0049(0)17663805547
phone Poland: 0048 696270272
The Garden Project
ARTIST will supply and furnish for said Performance(s) the services of Three Performers, one Sound Designer, one Light Designer (SD/LD) 5 people total, plus costumes and properties.
ARTIST carries specialized equipment as follows.
1. A wooden mirror plate of 2,5m diameter and 1,5cm thick {Photo 1}.
2. Curtin with metal wire and two wooden polls (Curtin will be placed in the front of the space, two stable points left and two in the right needed){photo 2}.
3. Swimming pool 1,5m X 1m X 20cm (Water for the filing of the swimming pool will be needed){Photo 3}.
4. Plastic ball 2,5m diameter with air blower to be pumped (schuko power point of 2kw will be needed).
5. Swing (Stable metal bar in the roof on the back of the stage to hang the swing will be needed when it is outdoor space with trees the swing will be hanged from the ARTIST in a strong branch of a tree){Photo 4}.
6. The construction of a wooden or metal tower 5m high to 2,5m wide (When it is INDOOR space the tower is not necessary){Photo 5}.
7. Wooden Ladder {Photo 6}
WHEN IT IS OUTDOOR SPACE ARTIST will need to dick a hole of 2,5m diameter and 1,5m depth in the center of the stage {Photo 7}and five holes (in decided positions for the trees) of 10cm diameter and 30cm depth.
WHEN IT IS INDOOR SPACE ARTIST will need 5 stable points in the roof of the space to hung the trees (positions will be decided by the ARTIST).
Travel and Hospitality
ARTIST with 5 people total, plus costumes and properties, need to travel and hosted Two to five (2-5) days before the first performance in the space for develop site specific research and rehears for the project.
Props Requirements
1. Eight (8) dead trees five (5) in the high of 3 meters long and 3 in the high of 2 meters long.
Space Requirements
1. The space can be indoor (Theatres, Industrial spaces etc) or outdoor (landscapes, squares,
beaches, etc) the stage can have any kind of deck as wood floor, concrete, marble, terrazzo, tile, sand or any other surface.
2. For indoor minimum playing area ten 10 meters wide by ten 10 meters deep and four 4 meters high.
For outdoor minimum playing area 20 meters wide by 20 meters deep.
3. If the space is not providing place for the audience to watch the performance the PRESENTER have to provide prefabricated platform enough for the amount of audience that is expected to watch.
4. Electric power points for light and sound as they are specified below.
5. 4 Pieces of theatre black frames dimension 2m X 1,5m {Photo 8}
Space Availability
The space, storage room, dressing room,
1. Storage room and dressing room near the performing area must be provided from the day of the arrival of the ARTIST.
a. 2 Stagehands
1.PRESENTER shall guarantee the security of ARTIST's equipment in the Space at all times from the time of arrival until the time of departure.
Lighting Equipment
ARTIST will provide light plot adapted to space in advance. Plot must be pre-hung, plugged, patched, and checked 2 days before the first performance.
The minimum equipment, in good working condition, to be supplied prior to SET-UP shall be as follows:
1. A lighting console with a minimum of twenty-four 24 maximum forty-eight 48 channels.
Two (2) of twelve (12) Channel Dimmer with re-patch capability and of sufficient capacity to
operate the required lighting instruments to be designated in the light plot and hook-up to be
advanced by ARTIST.
2. The following list represents the minimum complement necessary to accommodate the ARTIST’s
repertory; depending upon the program, additional specials may be required.
a. 12 of Single PAR 64 with Floor stand
b. 8 of Fresnel 1KW with Floor stand
c. 4 of ETC Source 4 750W
d. 1 of Followspot with Stand
e. 2 of Light Stands
f. 2 of 12 Channel Dimmer
g. 1 of Light console 24/48
h. 2 of Fog machins
i. 1 of Fluter 2kw
3. Sufficient extension cable must be available for complete flexibility in the use of above lighting equipment - including the proper circuiting of boom units - according to the light plot provided by ARTIST.
4. Three schuko power points of 2kw in the space positioned by the ARTIST.
5. Ladder at least 5 meters tall.
1. Sound console with a minimum of 5 available channels.
2. Amplification with sufficient wattage to drive four (4) Speakers and two (2)
3. Four (4) Speakers and two (2) Subwoofers
Speakers Wattage depend of the size of the space.
4. Four (4) Floor Stands for Speakers

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